Bulgaria Archive

The new Rose Museum was opened in Kazanlak

The first living Museum of Rose in Bulgaria was inaugurated during the Rose festival 2016 in

A Holiday Mass for the Slavonic Literature Day was served in the new Bulgarian Church of San Paolo alla Regola in Rome

An Official Bulgarian delegation annually visits Rome on the eve of 24th of May (the day

Curios Facts You Must Know about the Cyrillic Alphabet

What do you know about the Cyrillic alphabet? Perhaps once you’ve tried to read the word

Gladiators revive for The Museum of Mosaics 30th anniversary in Devnya

The Museum of Mosaics in Devnya, Bulgaria will mark its 30th anniversary with a restoration of

Saint Anastasia becomes a love’s island

The Saint Anastasia island, situated nearby Burgas, quickly gained popularity as a travel destination. Journeys from

Rhodopi people invite to a Zlatograd cheverme (barbecue) on 7-th May

If the Serbian town Leskovac has the reputation of Mecca of the Balkan grill, on the

Holiday complex in Sozopol won a prestigious award

Green Life Beach Resort holiday complex in Sozopol was awarded by the prestigious contest of the

The Easter eggs are drown with an ancient technology in Velingrad

An ancient tradition dedicated to the great Christian Easter holiday exists in Velingrad. Due to old

Sofia’2016 – Spring awakening

The spring has been always a symbol of change. A symbol of the new life awakening,

Antient Serdica revives again

The largest open-air museum on the Balkans opens in Sofia On 20th of April 2016, on