Boiana-MG – Touroperator of 2014
The Managing Committee of the Bulgarian Association of the Travel Agencies (BATA) had awarded Boiana-MG Travel Company with the prize “Touroperator of 2014”.
The prize was bestowed on the Director of the company, Mrs. Maria Yankova, from Mrs. Nikolina Angelkova, the Minister of Tourism, during the Christmas celebration party of the Association on 16.12.2014.
A recognition for active role of Boiana-MG
This prize is recognition of the 19 years active role of Boiana-MG at the tourist market of Bulgaria, as well as the international ones. It is a recognition of the efforts of the company to impose balance between quality and price of its tourist products, to be correct partner of its colleagues from the branch: hoteliers, touroperators, travel agents, aero companies, transportation companies, etc., to enrich the creative standards in tourism, in order to achieve the final aim – SATISFIED CLIENTS!